Festiu lliure disposició Pàlcam
Tot el dia
7 February, 2025
The internal reporting channel, also called internal communication channel or ethical mailbox, is one of the obligations imposed by the entry into force of Law 2/2023 of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and fight against corruption. The purpose of the rule is to protect people who detect serious or very serious criminal or administrative infractions and report them through the mechanisms regulated therein.
This channel is designed to receive complaints submitted by the school’s own workers, by people who are related in the workplace or by third parties linked to the school, with the aim of being able to highlight and alert about conduct committed at the school.
IMPORTANT: The reporting channel is a tool designed solely to communicate facts related to bad practices by the school that constitute criminal or administrative infractions. In the event of complaints, suggestions or communications with the school, there are other communication channels (click here)
Check the operating protocol of the complaints channel clicking here.
Communications can be submitted:
– By postal mail, at the address Cl. Rosalía de Castro nº 32, 08025, Barcelona.
– Verbally by telephone at 93-435-97-49.
– In person by making an appointment by calling 93-435-97-49.
– Through the electronic management platform of the complaints channel. This application is the priority channel for admitting communications, since it is the only one that guarantees confidentiality and allows the anonymity of communications throughout the process.